I have an excellent idea that will make you want to keep your egg cartons! You can reuse your egg cartons for so many things! It can organize and make your stuff more reachable around your house! So let me tell you 4 ways to use egg cartons!

I had these egg cartons in different sizes, so it gave me the idea of using them for various purposes. You can use either side of it.
1- For Fruits
You can store your fruits without them rolling around and getting bruised in your fridge. I placed my apples,pears, lemons, and kiwis are in these cartoons. Putting raspberry and blueberries here looks beautiful, and their juice doesn’t spill everywhere in your fridge.

2- For Drawers
If you got those messy drawers every time you throw something else, this is the time to organize that! You can place your sunglasses nicely, so they don’t get scratched.

3- For Condiments
Do you have many jars and bottles on your fridge door? Maybe some of them are even half empty? You can also make them nicely organized with egg cartons.

4- Coffee Pods
How about those coffee pods? Using egg cartons will make it way easier to carry them all together.
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This 4 ways to use egg cartons life hack will change your daily life and make things easier at home! After trying this trick, you will never throw away egg cartoons!