There is always more you can do when it comes to cleaning your toilet because it always gets dirty! The smell, brown stains, stinky toilet tank, hard water stains, bacteria, and more problems always exist in the toilet. That is why I will tell you brilliant and easy bathroom hacks you didn’t know! Let’s get into it!

Our magic potion will be Windex! Yes, you didn’t read wrong! We will use Windex for your toilet. I will show you some cool tricks you can use Windex. I also want to tell you the secret of why Windex works so well for cleaning your bathroom at the end!
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First, spray some Windex in your toilet bowl and let it sit as long as possible. I love Windex because it also makes it so easy to reach those little holes on the rim where your toilet brush can’t reach. This is where water comes out; sometimes, these holes get clogged and cause a smell. You can spray the Windex inside your toilet, underneath the rim, or in different spots. After using your toilet brush, you can spray Windex in the toilet brush container and on the brush and place it back for next time.

The other important place you should spray Windex is the toilet tank. The Toilet tank is usually the place we forget about, but whatever causes a problem, there also carries that to the toilet bowl. Spraying Windex in there will help eliminate the smell and make things plainer.

Next, you can brush your toilet bowl and give it a good flush.
Here is the secret of why Windex works impressively at cleaning your bathroom from toilet to shower and sink! Windex contains ammonia and alcohol, two of the best household cleaners besides vinegar and baking soda. You can use it to clean and sanitize your light switches and doorknobs!

I love love love using Windex for my bathroom cleaning. It smells so good, and it does the job so well! You have to try this for your next bathroom cleaning! Hope you love these brilliant and easy bathroom hacks you didn’t know!