I have a super helpful tip when it comes to cleaning your couch! I bought my couch less than a year ago. Even though I have already cleaned it twice by now, with this trick I will share, I could still get so much dirt out of the couch. So that’s why I think everyone needs “This” after seeing the result of how I do it!

I will be using Bissell’s professional portable carpet cleaner for this. Let me tell you that it is a game changer! I have used it for small areas, car seats, and stairs since it is lightweight. You will only need warm water and nothing else! You can not believe just with water how much dirt still can come out from your “clean” couch!

CLICK HERE to Access the Bissell: https://amzn.to/3Blws7Q
Start filling the tank of your Bissell cleaner with warm water. Then use the attachment connected to the hose to spray water on the surface. You will spray the water and go over it slowly. Even though this was my third time cleaning, the water was dark gray! You can understand how dirty the couch was from the watercolor.

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You cleaned your couch, and it feels nice and fresh! What is next? After you do a fantastic job at cleaning the couch, we will fix all the fuzziness you have on the sofa. I have used a rechargeable fuzz remover from amazon on my couch. You can reach to link I will leave down below. I love it because it has multiple speeds and is double-headed. It is so satisfying to use and see all the stuff in the canister. You can use it on your pillows, clothes, and couch.

Fabric Shaver: https://amzn.to/3RTqBgY
After you finish removing all the lint, let the couch completely dry. Drying time will depend on how much water you use while cleaning. I hope you loved this trick! Please share it with friends and family! They will want to know how you keep your couch clean and looking new all the time!
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