Have you ever thought of putting aluminum foil in your dishwasher? It might sound bizarre! But it gives fantastic results, my friends! You may have seen this hack for shining your jewelry. Putting aluminum foil in a bowl with baking soda helps clean and polish your jewelry. But what about your silverware? Let me show you an EXCELLENT ALUMINUM FOIL in DISHWASHER HACK!

The idea is that aluminum foil removes the tarnish from oxidized silver without removing any of the underlying metal. So get your foil and make a small ball out of it. Then place it in your silverware holder in your dishwasher. Next, fill the dispenser with Finish Jet-Dry Rinse Aid. Another trick you can do after this is to sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom dishes. This helps to freshen up your dishwasher. I know it sounds crazy to clean up things those clean other things. But that’s how it works!

Finally, run your dishwasher as usual. I have many scratches on my silverware, so I am excited to see if this hack will make a difference. Once your dishwasher finishes the cycle, take the silverware holder and check the results! Thanks to aluminum foil, you will notice how sparkly and clean your silverware is!

I love giving practical and smart cleaning tips to you! I think this hack is definitely worth it to try and shine your silverware! If you love this EXCELLENT ALUMINUM FOIL in DISHWASHER HACK! , please share it with friends and family!
You might also like this: THE MOST REMARKABLE DUSTING TIPS!
I will also leave links to kitchen organization products I use in my kitchen below. You can place your aluminum foil and other wraps nicely in your drawer and keep your silverware organized with these Amazon finds!

PRISTINE BAMBOO Silverware Tray for Drawer Organizer: https://amzn.to/3TaeWuY
Bamboo Expandable Drawer Organizer for Utensils Holder (BEST SELLER!): https://amzn.to/3Sdozrc
Follow Andrea Jean on AMAZON here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/andreajean1