Have you ever thought of putting salt in your shoes at night? This hack will make you feel about doing it because it is genius! If you have a big family like me, you will love how much this trick will help you. This hack is perfect for keeping your shoes fresh and lasting longer! Let’s pour salt in your shoes at night!

Things you need:
- Salt
- Stinky shoes
- Rubbing alcohol
First, take your salt and put as much salt as you want in the shoes. Shake your shoes and make sure the salt can get everywhere, especially at the toe. Then you will let this sit overnight and come back in the morning to dump the salt from your shoes. I also do this on my slippers because they can get pretty smelly.

Even though I recommend putting the salt in shoes directly because it will work much better for the extra smelly ones, you can also use coffee filters. Go ahead and take some coffee filters and do the same process.
Why does this work so well? Because salt absorbs moisture! The moisture is what makes your shoes stink. They are breeding grounds for bacteria. That is why you should do this once a month, depending on the smell of your shoes. If you have some Epsom salt, you can also use that like table salt. Epsom salt is excellent for so many things like; soaking aid, saline laxative, and even plant food. It also is ideal for shoe deodorizers.

The last secret of this hack is using rubbing alcohol. I keep a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol in my mudroom so when everyone comes home, I spray it right in the shoes and outside. It continues to kill the odor. Now you have a solution if your kids wear their shoes without socks!

Your friends may think salting your shoes is strange, but once you tell them why they will think this is genius! Pour salt in your shoes at night; your morning will be better, my friend!