Let’s make your brooms last longer and look better! You will need just a couple of things! This hack is super easy and efficient! You might not think to pour salt on your broom at Night but believe me; this will save you time and money!

Here are the things you need:
- Brooms (no surprise! )
- Bucket of hot water
- Salt
- Distilled white vinegar

First, You will need to fill the bucket with hot water. The hotter, the better! You need enough water to cover the bristles of your broom. Then take your vinegar and pour about a cup or so. Next is salt! We will be generous with the salt. I did about a half cup of salt. You can grab your broom and stick it in! Don’t forget to check if bristles are covered. This not only will clean your broom but also make it last longer.
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You can see how the water is so dirty already. After this process, you want to let this sit for at least thirty minutes, or I prefer to leave it overnight. After how long ever you let it sit, go ahead and shake it off. By this time, the water will be nice and cool. Reviving a broom like this can be tricky if you haven’t done it from the beginning. But it is worth doing it at any point in time.

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Now, we are going to let the broom dry. I left it in my shower and tipped it down so any moisture on the broom could make its way down the drain.
Why this trick works so well and keep your bristles from fraying? Because salt hardens the broom and allows it to last longer without damaging anything. This genius cleaning and life hack will make your day way easier!
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