I have an incredible hack to share with you! We will put tea bags in your fridge! I will tell you why this works so well! Believe me; it will make a significant change in your kitchen!

You might be using baking soda to keep your fridge fresh and smelling nice. But if you want to make some changes to that and even reuse an expired item, you should try the tea bags! It doesn’t matter what type of tea you use. I had a couple of different kinds in one box and chose the orange & spice one.

The reason tea bags work so perfectly is that tea contains tannic acid. It helps to absorb any odors.
You can also use as many tea bags as you want! Get your tea bags and place them in your refrigerator. You can put them in the back of the fridge, lay them on a shelf, or hang them. Depending on the smell you have in your refrigerator, you can change the tea bags with new ones every few days.
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I love using tea bags more than baking soda because it is easier to place in the fridge other than putting the big box of baking soda. I hope you love this hack as much as I do, my friend! If you enjoy my cleaning hacks, please share them with your friends and family!!
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