Let’s quickly remove grease and gunk from the cabinets! I know how annoying it is to touch your kitchen and bathroom cabinets and feel that sticky grease on your fingers! I have a couple of methods in mind for that problem.

Firstly, you want to dust! I have a Swiffer for this I used. It is easy to use and reaches everywhere. One thing to remember is that gunk can get inside the cabinets and around the knobs. You might want to clean those parts as well. If you have the time, removing the knobs and soaking them in warm water with Dawn dish soap would do the best job of getting rid of the grease.
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1- Murphy’s Oil Soap
Once you finish the dusting, you can use two things. The first one is Murphy’s oil soap which has 90% natural ingredients and smells amazing. You will spray some on a microfiber towel and wipe your cabinet. As a result, it will clean up everything excellently and shine it. Do you think it still feels sticky? Then grab a brush or cleaning toothbrush and brush with more oil soap. I love doing this because the brush can get in the detail and make it all grease free.
Murphy’s Oil Wood Cleaner: https://amzn.to/2Mqh9oZ
Swiffer Duster: https://amzn.to/2CSZIVu

2- Dawn Powerwash
The second product you can use with the same purpose is Dawn Powerwash. You can repeat the same process for cleaning your cabinets. You will need to dust again and use any brush or microfiber towel to deep clean your cabinets.

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Bonus products I will mention for cleaning the grease and gunk are the scrub mommy and scrub daddy sponges. I used a scrub daddy one since it is firm enough to scrub the cabinets but not damage them.

This hack will make you want to return to your kitchen and bathroom without making you feel annoyed by that stickiness! So enjoy the clean and shiny cabinets, my friends!