Let’s talk about what will happen if you spread shaving cream on your carpet! You might have stains from pets, kids, or old tenants. I am sure you want to know how to eliminate the smell and the stain on your carpet efficiently! You will be so impressed with this hack!

First, take your shaving cream. I got mine from dollar tree, and it works perfectly. Then put it on the spot you want to clean. To ensure you saturated the carpet enough, get an old cloth and dab on the shaving cream for a bit. After this, you will let the shaving cream sit as long as possible. I call this cleaning while you sleep, so you can do this before you sleep, and when you come back the next day, the spot will be gone!

Depending on what kind of stain you have and how long it has been there, you can get a toothbrush to give some extra effect. After wiping the shaving cream off the carpet, brush on the stain. Then get some warm water on your cloth and wipe it all off.
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The carpet can create this love-and-hate relationship with it. It is comfortable, but it also keeps lots of smell in the fibers. I will give an mazing tip for that! Get a salt shaker to pour some baking soda on your carpet, or you can dump it directly on where it stinks. Next, get the brush and make the baking soda smooth on the spot. After letting it sit for a couple of hours, you can go ahead and vacuum the baking soda and enjoy your clean carpet! You will not believe how the smell will disappear! It even freshens up the place my daughter puked.
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After trying this fantastic hack, you will wonder why you never did it before!