You might be expecting guests to your home, or your parents might want to come to see the apartment you live in. No matter the reason you have, just dusting can make your place look taken care of! Dusting is one of the essential things in your cleaning routine. I have eight dusting tips for you, and I will share the biggest mistake people make when dusting. Here are the most remarkable dusting tips!

Number one is don’t immediately make your bed after you wake up in the morning. You may hear otherwise, but the moisture in the bed creates bacteria and dust growth once you cover it all up on a warm bed. I let it sit about thirty minutes before and then make my bed nicely!

Tip: Make sure you wash your sheets at least once or every other week! Don’t forget to wash your pillows as well!
Number two is cleaning your blinds regularly.
There are easy ways to do this, no worries! I have a quick trick for this. You will need a kitchen tong, two rubber bands, and two microfiber towels. Wrap your microfiber towels around the kitchen tong and wrap the rubber bands to hold them nicely. All you need to do is wipe those dusty blinds! You can do this with a Swiffer, but it doesn’t work as efficiently. The other way to do it is this Amazon tool. You can undoubtedly clean between your oven door and glass, under your refrigerator, and Dustin your blinds!

Number three is your ceiling and ceiling fans. You can use a Swiffer 360 heavy-duty duster for this. It makes the job way easier!

Number four is the vacuum, often, especially entryway! I do this every morning! It is part of my morning routine since it only takes three minutes. After vacuuming your entryway, get a Lysol or rubbing alcohol and spray it a couple of times a week. I like to spray the bottom of everyone’s shoes. Dust is not a fan of Lysol so try this Odo band which eliminates odor.

Number five is mopping.
Vacuuming is excellent but make sure you are also mopping often. I use Tineco vacuum and mop all in one every morning for less than five minutes!

Number six is reducing the knickknacks you have.
These objects collect so much dust. Let’s do Marie Condo style, and if the object doesn’t give you joy, time for a new look!

Tip: Dusting your Tv stand area with your Swiffer will reduce the dust so much! The dust often accumulates here even though you dust every other day!
Number seven is rugs!
We know I am not a fan of rugs. Limiting the number of rugs you have or cleaning them regularly is better. But who has that much time to clean rugs all the time, right? I highly recommend the Bissell Carpet Cleaner for making this easy and quick for you! It does a phenomenal job cleaning all the dirt and dust on your rug!

Number eight vents.
After a quick look at your vents, you will agree how much dust there can be! My new favorite device for this spot and stairs, inside the car, is Shark cordless vacuum. It collects an insane amount of dust and dirt from the areas you vacuum. Imagine what you might have been breathing before doing this!

Let’s talk about the biggest mistake people make! It is changing your air filter! It makes such a big difference! Make sure you change your air filter once a month at least.
Tip: Start dusting from top to bottom and work your way down!
You might also like this: POUR SALT DOWN YOUR DRAIN AT NIGHT!
I hope this hack helps you a ton, my friend! If you like it, please share it with friends and family!
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Watch the Tineco Vacuum Mop in action HERE: