You will not believe what happens when you put $1 Pine sol here! Yes, I am talking about your kitchen sink! Your kitchen sink has this weird smell sometimes, right? Especially if you have a garbage disposal. Oh no! This hack will surprise you so much but at the same time disgust you!

When you check the underneath the flap in your kitchen sink hole, you notice how much dirt accumulates there. I have a super easy trick for this! We will clean that kitchen sink and make it smell amazing. Wear your gloves to get ready.

Things you need:
- Gloves
- Pine-Sol
- Cleaning toothbrush
Get an old cleaning toothbrush and pour a small amount of pine sol in the sinkhole before brushing, then a little on the corner of the sink. Make your toothbrush soaked with the pine sol you put on the corner and lift the black flaps for brushing underneath it nicely. After a few minutes of brushing, I got so much nasty dirt and found a rubber band. So cleaning her will be so satisfying, my friend!

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Once you finish brushing there, run some hot water down there. It is that simple to make your kitchen sink clean and fresh! You don’t need to put anything else because Pine Sol does an excellent job cleaning and making it smell so incredible!

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