Why should you wrap paper towels around the faucet at night? Because of the hard water stains, lime deposits will dissolve with this hack! With this trick, you don’t have to scrub for hours. Instead, we will cleverly solve the problem.

Things you need:
- Dawn Dish Soap
- Paper towel
- Distilled White Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Cleaning toothbrush
The first thing you’ll do is saturate the area with vinegar. You can use cleaning vinegar or apple cider vinegar. I used my spray bottle to spray vinegar on the faucet. Vinegar is so great for this because it is natural and acidic. That is the power for breaking these mineral deposits. You can also spray some vinegar on the sink strainer.

To finish the job, we will add some baking powder to the spots where vinegar is sprayed and make a paste. This will work amazingly for stubborn stains. You can use a cleaning toothbrush to spread the paste on the area to create more chemical reactions. Then spray more vinegar on it so that there can be more bubbles.

The next step is spraying vinegar on the paper towel. Try to saturate the paper towel really well with vinegar! Afterward, you can wrap the paper towels around the faucet and put some on the sink strainer.

Lastly, We will put some down dish soap on the paper towels. Dish soap is an excellent degreaser, so it will help with cleaning and smell great!
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Time to let it sit the whole night! This is what I call cleaning while you sleep! Next morning you can take the paper towels off and see the magic results! I like using the toothbrush for the last scrub after taking the paper towels off. Then you can wipe the excess off with a dry towel to shine them up.

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This hack will help your faucets to look brand new! It is easy and so effective! You will be so impressed by how much it works!